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Thyroid Eye Disease Symptoms And Signs

What Tests Will Be Done To Diagnose Thyroid Eye Disease

7 Signs of Thyroid Eye Disease and Graves Disease

A healthcare provider will be able to diagnose thyroid eye disease by doing a physical eye exam. They will be able to examine both your eyelids and your eyes.

If your healthcare provider thinks that you have thyroid eye disease, theyll order blood tests to check if your thyroid hormone levels and antibodies are too high or too low.

Other tests your provider may request include:

What Is The Prognosis For Patients With Thyroid Eye Disease

The prognosis for patients with Thyroid Eye Disease is quite variable. Some patients have a very mild course and do not require treatments other than eye lubrication. Other patients have eye misalignment causing double vision, and may ultimately require eye surgery. A minority of patients have an extremely severe form of this disease that can cause loss of vision, and they require urgent treatment with medications, radiation treatment, and/or surgery.

When To See Your Healthcare Provider

If you have thyroid symptoms, visit your healthcare provider. To find out what’s going on, they may:

  • Give you a physical exam
  • Ask questions about your medical history
  • Ask for details about your symptoms
  • Give you a blood test to check your thyroid levels
  • Order imaging tests, such as a thyroid scan or ultrasound

In most cases, thyroid conditions can be effectively treated.

Thyroid Disease Doctor Discussion Guide

Get our printable guide for your next doctor’s appointment to help you ask the right questions.

  • Loss of consciousness

Hypothyroidism can lead to another medical emergency. It’s called myxedema coma.

Myxedema coma is rare. It’s triggered by trauma, infection, cold, and some medications. It causes body temperatures and blood pressure to drop. You may lose consciousness. This condition can cause death.

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Graves Disease Eyes Sia Sia’s Life Story: The Pop Star Who Doesn’t Want To Be Famous 2022

Graves disease is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid gland, causing it to become overactive and produce too much thyroid hormone. One of the most noticeable symptoms of Graves disease is bulging of the eyes, also known as exophthalmos. This can cause the eyes to appear more prominent or “staring,” and can lead to discomfort and difficulty moving the eyes.

In addition to exophthalmos, other symptoms of Graves disease may include rapid heartbeat, weight loss, tremors, sweating, and difficulty sleeping. These symptoms can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life and may lead to feelings of anxiety and stress.

The exact cause of Graves disease is not fully understood, but it is thought to be related to a combination of genetic and environmental factors. It is more common in women than in men, and often appears in people in their 20s or 30s.

Treatment for Graves disease typically involves medications to reduce the production of thyroid hormone, or surgery to remove part or all of the thyroid gland. In some cases, radiation therapy may also be used to destroy the thyroid tissue.

Exophthalmos can be treated with eyeglasses or contact lenses to help improve vision, and the use of artificial tears or ointments may help to relieve dryness and discomfort. In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary to reposition the eye muscles or remove excess tissue from around the eye.

How Does Thyroid Eye Disease Affect Mental Health


TED can cause eye pain, double vision, loss of vision, and changes to your appearance which may impact your quality of life. The impacts of TED can lead you to experience to depression, anxiety, loss of independence, and reduced self-confidence. You may have a decreased desire to socialize with others, have trouble with productivity at school or work, and stop doing activities you once enjoyed.

To help support your mental health as you deal with TED:

  • Talk to your doctor: Talk to your doctor about any changes to your emotional well-being. Ask questions on how TED will affect your daily life and work.
  • Seek support: Seek out support groups of others who are going through TED. The Graves Disease and Thyroid Foundation offers support groups for people with Graves disease, thyroid eye disease, and other thyroid conditions. These groups can help you learn about your condition, share your experience, and find support.
  • Connect with others: Stay connected friends and family to keep you from feeling isolated.
  • Take time to enjoy life: Take part in activities or hobbies that make you happy.
  • Exercise: Exercise can help symptoms of depression or anxiety and make you feel better. Talk to your health care professional to determine what exercise routine may work best for you, especially if you have changes to your vision due to TED.

To learn more, check out the following resources:

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What Is Thyroid Eye Disease

Thyroid eye disease is an eye disorder that causes inflammation and damage to the tissues around the eye, including muscles, fatty tissue and connective tissue. TED is an autoimmune condition, or one that happens because your protective immune system attacks your body.

There are two phases of TED: the active or inflammatory phase and the stable phase. The active phase can last for months up to three years, while the stable phase follows when the inflammation stops.

TED is often related to Graves disease, which is also an autoimmune disease. It can affect the thyroid, eyes and skin.

Graves disease can cause hyperthyroidism, which means that your body releases too many thyroid hormones. Less commonly, Graves disease can also cause hypothyroidism, which means that your body doesnt release enough hormones. Both can result in thyroid eye disease, but people with low levels of thyroid hormone who do have eye swelling and eyebrow hair loss tend to have severe cases of hypothyroidism.

However, thyroid eye disease can happen in people with normal levels of thyroid hormones. Thyroid conditions can also cause secondary glaucoma because of the damage to the optic nerve.

Who does thyroid eye disease affect?

The median age for being diagnosed with TED is 43 years old. However, you can be diagnosed much earlier or much later than 43.

You may be more likely to develop thyroid eye disease if you:

Whats The Treatment For Graves Eye Disease

If you have Graves disease, youll need treatment for your thyroid problems. Sometimes thyroid treatments help with Graves eye disease but people often need separate treatments for their eye problems.

Over-the-counter eye drops. The most common treatment for dry or irritated eyes is a type of eye drops called artificial tears. You can get these without a prescription. There are also over-the-counter gels and ointments that may help your eyes feel better.

Prescription medicines. If you have a lot of swelling behind your eyes, your doctor may prescribe steroids or other medicines to help reduce swelling. Your doctor may also recommend a new medicine just for Graves eye disease called Tepezza .

Quitting smoking. Smoking makes Graves eye disease worse so quitting smoking is the most important lifestyle change you can make if you have this disease.If you smoke, make a plan to quit.

Other lifestyle changes. You can take steps to ease some common symptoms of Graves eye disease.

  • If your eyes are sensitive to light, try using over-the-counter eye drops and wearing sunglasses when you go outside
  • If you have puffy eyelids, try raising the head of your bed so your head is higher than your body while you sleep
  • If your eyelids dont close all the way, try taping them shut at night to prevent dry eye

Eyeglasses. If you have double vision, special prescription lenses can help fix double vision and help you see more clearly.

October 13, 2022

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How Is Thyroid Eye Disease Diagnosed

Thyroid eye disease is often diagnosed at the same time as Graves disease. The signs and symptoms described above such as red, swollen eyes will prompt the doctor to suspect thyroid eye disease. A simple blood test called thyroid function test will be carried out to measure the levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid stimulating hormone in the bloodstream. In Graves disease, levels of thyroxine and/or triiodothyronine will usually be raised with undetectable levels of thyroid stimulating hormone. Blood tests may also be carried out to detect thyroid antibodies, which would indicate autoimmune thyroid disease.

If the signs and symptoms are doubtful , a computerised tomography or magnetic resonance imaging scan of the eyes may be used to examine any swelling of the tissues behind the eye.

What Is The Outlook For Thyroid Eye Disease

Thyroid Eye disease Signs

Thyroid eye disease is a temporary but drawn-out illness which fades away by itself. The inflamed period tends to last months to years , after which there is a healing response. For most people the condition will be mild, needing lubricants and regular assessments only. For those with more severe disease, the outlook depends on how early it is diagnosed and how intensive the treatment is. About 1 in 4 people with severe disease will end up with reduced eyesight.

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How Is Thyroid Eye Disease Treated

Your provider will begin by treating you for thyroid disease if you have it. Treating thyroid diseases doesnt treat thyroid eye disease, so your provider may suggest one or more of these therapies:

Over-the-counter medications to treat TED

Eye drops to relieve dryness and irritation are generally non-prescription. You can buy them over the counter. You should use the drops that lubricate but avoid those that take away redness.

Your provider may also suggest selenium supplements if your blood levels of this mineral are low.

A few studies have shown that drinking aloe vera juice reduced inflammation levels in some cases.

Prescription medications to treat TED

Your provider may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs like prednisone and other systemic steroids and/or rituximab. Discuss the side effects of these treatments with your provider.

Theres also a new medicine available only for thyroid eye disease called teprotumumab .

Lifestyle changes and home remedies to treat TED

The most important lifestyle change you can make is to quit smoking if you smoke. It raises your risk of developing TED by seven to eight times and makes TEDs active disease phase longer. In addition, smoking decreases the effectiveness of treatment for thyroid eye disease. Other things you can do to be more comfortable include:

Surgery to treat TED

Radiation to treat TED

Your provider may suggest radiation therapy to treat the inflammation of thyroid eye disease.

Thyroid Eye Disease Phases

Thyroid Eye Disease is a serious, potentially vision-threatening condition that can get worse over time, but can be managed with treatment.

When you have TED, your immune system mistakenly attacks the muscle and fat tissue behind your eyes, causing inflammation and scar tissue to form.

TED has 2 phases. The first is called the acute phase, which you may hear your doctor describe as the active phase of TED. The second is called the chronic phase, which you may hear your doctor call the inactive phase of TED.

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When To See A Doctor

You should see a doctor anytime you experience new or worsening symptoms that could be related to thyroid eye disease. This is particularly important if you have already been diagnosed with a thyroid condition. This condition can worsen very quickly and may lead to poor outcomes if it is not stabilized with treatment.

Famous People With Graves Disease

Thyroid Eye Disease Symptoms

This can include double vision. His mood swings eventually divided the family, and his wife filed for divorce. However, they should not be continued for long periods due to the uncomfortable and sometimes serious side effects which result from chronic administration of corticosteroids. The diagnosis of hyperthyroidism is made on the basis of your symptoms and findings during a physical exam and it is confirmed by laboratory tests that measure the amount of thyroid hormones thyroxine, or T4, and triiodothyronine, or T3 and thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH in your blood see the The choice of initial diagnostic testing depends on cost, availability and local expertise. One of the worst effects of this illness to a certain person is the possibility of goiter or sudden changes in the size and activities of the thyroid. Retrieved 25 March 2020.

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Double Vision Or Misaligned Eyes

All that swelling can make it hard for your eye muscles to move together. If your eyes are out of sync, you can get double vision, blurry vision, or misaligned eyes. That means that your eyes may not look in the same direction or focus on an object at the same time.

Special lenses called prisms can help with double vision. An eye patch may help, too. But sometimes people need surgery.

Thyroid Eye Disease: Symptoms Treatment And More

Thyroid eye disease is a rare autoimmune condition. The immune system attacks cells in the muscles and fatty tissues around the eyes.

TED is linked to existing thyroid problems but is considered a separate disease and not a direct complication of any thyroid condition.

Although it often abates after a few months, the condition has no cure, and long-term vision damage can result from it.

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What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Thyroid Eye Disease

The signs and symptoms of thyroid eye disease include:

  • Pain behind your eyes and pain with eye movements.

Symptoms normally affect both eyes, but sometimes you may only notice symptoms in one eye.

Is thyroid eye disease contagious?

No. Thyroid eye disease isnt contagious. You cant catch it from anyone, and you cant transmit it to anyone.

Treatment Options For Thyroid Eye Disease

Thyroid Eye Disease- causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology

The treatment for thyroid eye disease generally focuses on supportive care to manage the symptoms and control the disease. For more severe cases, steroids or surgery may be suggested.

During the active phase of thyroid eye disease, treatment for a mild to average case typically consists of regular observation with a focus on alleviating the symptoms. This may include lubrication of the eyes, sunglasses, cool compresses, a salt-restricted diet, and sleeping with the head elevated.

In more severe cases, oral steroids may be used to help decrease the inflammation. If the inflammation is severe enough to cause loss of vision or decompensation of the cornea, high-dose intravenous steroids and orbital radiotherapy may be used.

If the response is not adequate, urgent surgery may be performed to decompress the orbit and create more space for the enlarged muscles.

During the stable phase, surgery can be performed if needed to decompress the orbits and decrease the amount that the eyes bulge forward, repair eye muscle alignment for patients with double vision, and improve lid positioning.

If a patient smokes, it is strongly encouraged that they stop smoking, as it is the number one risk factor associated with thyroid eye disease.

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Fatigue Sleep And Mental Health

Sleep issues and fatigue are common with thyroid issues. Fatigue can get worse without a good night’s rest. At times, it can be so profound that it affects your daily life.

  • You have a hard time falling asleep.

  • You wake up several times during the night.

  • You heart races or you feel anxious at bedtime.

Depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders are common with thyroid problems.

  • In hypothyroidism, you may have depression that doesn’t respond to antidepressants.
  • In hyperthyroidism, you may have anxiety, panic disorder, or panic attacks.

When To See A Healthcare Provider

If you have symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, make an appointment with your healthcare provider. They will take your family and medical history and ask about your symptoms, including how long you’ve been experiencing them and how severe each symptom is.

Your healthcare provider will perform a physical examination to look for signs of hyperthyroidism and thyrotoxicosis, such as rapid heart rate, high blood pressure, and dry skin. They will also examine your neck and palpate your thyroid gland to check for signs of tenderness, enlargement, or nodules. Blood tests may be required to check your thyroid hormone levels for an accurate diagnosis.

If you’ve been diagnosed with thyrotoxicosis, you will see your healthcare provider regularly to check your thyroid hormone levels and monitor your symptoms. You should see your healthcare provider if you develop new or worsening symptoms. They may adjust your medication or recommend another treatment to better manage your symptoms.

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Symptoms Of Graves Disease

Reading time:

Graves’ disease presents symptoms caused by hyperthyroidism and also involves the eyes. In some patients, the skin is also affected.

Effects on the eyes. These are due to the inflammation or growth of the tissues surrounding the eyes, known as ophthalmopathy. The cause of this also appears to be autoimmune. The symptoms are:

A gritty sensation in the eyes.


Impaired vision .

Sensitivity to light.

Pain when moving the eyes.


Inflammation of the eyes or protrusion of the eyeball, known as exophthalmos.

Many patients with GBD suffer from eye irritation and redness, but only 1% develop true ophthalmopathy with permanent problems. Impaired vision usually occurs in more advanced cases.

Eye disease occurs only in hyperthyroidism caused by Graves’ disease, and it starts some months before or after the onset of hyperthyroidism. In a very few cases it appears after the thyroid disease has been treated. Some patients with ocular symptoms never develop hyperthyroidism. The severity is not related to the degree of hyperthyroidism. Eye disease is much more common in patients who smoke than in non-smokers.

Effects on the skin. Skin disease is very rare and affects the legs.

It involves a painless, reddish, irregular growth of skin on the front of the legs, called pretibial myxoedema.

How Sia Saved Herself

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Severe double vision, proptosis, or evidence that the optic nerve is being compressed from the overhanging eye muscles, warrants immediate and sometimes aggressive therapeutic intervention. It was also a sensation, becoming the 29th-most-watched music video ever on YouTube. Oral corticosteroids may provide some temporary relief for the patient and sometimes enormous benefits. You can work with your doctor to keep your thyroid hormone levels in the normal range. When To Call A Professional Call your doctor if you notice any changes in the appearance of your eye or if you develop any of the symptoms of Graves’ eye disease. On the other hand, she could imagine the outrage over a photo of her and Trump, arms around each other, plastering the Internet.

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