Saturday, April 20, 2024

What Percentage Of Calcified Thyroid Nodules Are Cancerous

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Related To Thyroid Nodules

Thyroid Nodule Workup – What Happens Next? Is it Cancer?

Most thyroid nodules do not cause any symptoms. Some thyroid nodules show up as a painless lump in the neck that you can feel or see. Thyroid nodules usually move up and down with swallowing.

When thyroid nodules become large they may cause symptoms by pressing on the airway or esophagus. These are also called compressive symptoms. Compressive symptoms include:

  • discomfort with swallowing
  • weight loss despite normal or increased appetite

What Are Microcalcifications In A Thyroid Nodule

One of the most important ultrasound features of cancer is the presence of calcifications, especially microcalcifications, in a thyroid nodule. Microcalcifications within a nodule are small flecks of calcification 1 mm or less in size that appear bright on an ultrasound image.

Do benign nodules have coarse calcifications?

Benign nodules have dystrophic coarse calcifications, especially with long disease duration . Peripheral dystrophic calcifications are more frequently associated with benignity. They can also occur, however, in malignant lesions, up to 18% .

What is the prevalence of microcalcifications in ovarian nodules?

Ultrasound calcifications were detected in 42 of all nodules, although only 22 of those were true microcalcifications and the other 20 were macrocalcifications. Of the 42 nodules with any type of ultrasound calcification, 28 of them actually had calcifications in the tissues examined after surgery.

Do microcalcifications increase the risk of cancer?

Microcalcifications were found in 38% of cancerous nodules and only in 5% of benign, non-cancerous nodules. The risk of cancer increased with the size of nodule. Data analysis of this study showed that only 3 ultrasound features were related with the risk of cancer: microcalcification, nodule size greater than 2 cm, and solid form.

Nodule In Upper Pole May Confer Malignancy Risk

Malignancy was observed most often in the superior region of the thyroid gland with 22% of nodules found in the upper lobes as compared to 14% in the middle pole, and just 5% in the inferior poles.¹ Using a multiple logistic regression model to adjust for the number of thyroid nodules, age, sex, BMI, and laterality, a strong association between nodule location and presence of cancer was confirmed.

This study demonstrates that nodules located in the upper pole present a higher malignancy risk factor and, therefore, location of thyroid nodules may need to be included in ultrasound classification guidelines to enhance the predictive value of malignancy, diagnostic accuracy and reliability as an indicator to perform FNA, said Dr. Zang, in presenting his results.¹

The investigators proposed that the reason for the increased risk of malignancy in the superior poles may be due to anatomy. For example, venous drainage is slower, which might cause a delay in clearing normal byproducts of metabolism, said Dr. Zang.


Benign Thyroid Nodules: How Long Should We Follow?

Thyroid nodules are commonly detected among 65% of the US population. With the population aging, clinicians will likely find 50-75 million thyroid nodules of which 500,000 will be biopsied, and 90% will be benign and 95% will be benign and remain asymptomatic.²

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Comparison Of Clinical And Us Features Of Isolated Macrocalcifications Between Benign And Malignant Nodules

Table 3 demonstrates the clinical and US features of isolated macrocalcifications in benign and malignant nodules. Age and sex were not significantly associated with malignancy in isolated macrocalcifications with final diagnoses . The location of isolated macrocalcification, presence of other nodules, and US features including focal disruption of calcification at the anterior margin and lobulated contour of the anterior margin were not significantly associated with malignancy . In the five patients who underwent computed tomography of the neck, the nodules with isolated macrocalcifications correlated with coarse calcified nodules on CT images .

71-year-old woman with invasive encapsulated follicular variant papillary carcinoma.

A. US image shows calcified nodule with posterior shadowing and smooth anterior margin in mid-right thyroid lobe. B. Unenhanced CT image shows densely calcified nodule in right thyroid lobe. C. US image shows 15-mm suspicious hyperechoic metastatic lymph node with macrocalcification at level IV of right lateral neck. D. Well-circumscribed and encapsulated lesion shows follicular-patterned tumor cells mixed predominantly with dystrophic calcifications and focal ossification . TNM stage was T1bN1bM0, and there was minor extrathyroidal extension of tumor. Cancer was postoperatively classified as American Thyroid Association intermediate risk. AJCC = American Joint Committee on Cancer, US = ultrasonography, TNM = tumor, node, metastasis

Us Examination And Image Analysis

Fluoridation and Biological Magnification

All US examinations were performed using a 5- to 12-MHz linear-array transducer and a real-time US system . One experienced radiologist with 21 years of experience in performing thyroid US and interventional procedures retrospectively reviewed all US images of the 3061 patients with nodules 1 cm. The reviewer, who was blinded to the cytopathologic biopsy diagnoses and final diagnoses, retrospectively assessed the presence of isolated macrocalcifications in all 3852 nodules. An isolated macrocalcification was defined as a calcified nodule with complete posterior acoustic shadowing and no identified soft tissue component within the calcified nodule. The reviewer retrospectively assessed the US features of isolated macrocalcifications including the size, location, presence of other thyroid nodules, and presence of focal disruption or lobulated contour at the anterior margin of a calcified nodule.

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What Happens If You Have A Cancerous Thyroid Nodule

Thyroid Cancers. Five to 10 percent of thyroid nodules are malignant, or cancerous, although most cause no symptoms. Rarely, they may cause neck swelling, pain, swallowing problems, shortness of breath, or changes in the sound of your voice as they grow.

But What If Its Thyroid Cancer

A cancer diagnosis is always worrisome, but even if a nodule turns out to be thyroid cancer, you still have plenty of reasons to be hopeful.

Thyroid cancer is one of the most treatable kinds of cancer. Surgery to remove the gland typically addresses the problem, and recurrences or spread of the cancer cells are both uncommon. People who undergo thyroid gland surgery may need to take thyroid hormone afterward to keep their body chemistry in balance.

Whether its benign or not, a bothersome thyroid nodule can often be successfully managed. Choosing an experienced specialist can mean more options to help personalize your treatment and achieve better results.

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At What Size Should A Thyroid Nodule Be Biopsied

According to the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, biopsy should be performed on a nodule 1 cm in diameter or larger with microcalcifications, 1.5 cm in diameter or larger that is solid or has coarse calcifications, and 2 cm in diameter or larger that has mixed solid and cystic components, and a nodule that has

Size Should Not Inform Management Strategy But Symptoms Warrant Action

Approach to a Thyroid Nodule – causes, investigation and treatment

For multiple nodules, the recommendation is to follow the guidelines for ultrasound evaluation. Importantly, size is a poor predictor for large nodules, particularly those that extend beyond the screen. If all nodules are similar on sonography, biopsy the largest one however, its more important to identify the highest risk nodule to biopsy rather than the largest one. Another caveat: rule out a substernal goiter , which should be referred for surgery.

Nontoxic goiter with symptoms such as globus sensation , respiratory symptoms dyspnea on exertion, or dysphasia or those with positional stridor, Pembertons sign, superior vena cava syndrome, or result in voice changes should be referred to surgery, Dr. Lee said.

Treatment for simple, nontoxic goiter will depend on the presence of any symptoms, if any, size, location, any compression of trachea but when with concerns, management should be to monitor for growth and development of hyperthyroidism.

Treatment of goiter with levothyroxine is no longer recommended as results have been mixed and there is significant risk of TSH suppression with adverse effects on bone, particularly in postmenopausal women, and increased risk for cardiovascular disease. Of note, diffuse goiters appeared to respond more favorably to treatment than discrete nodules.

Radioactive iodine may be considered to manage lesser symptoms and for those who are not candidates for surgery. Recent radiograph studies support the use of iodinated contrast dye.

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What Are Thyroid Nodules

The thyroid gland is located in the lower front of the neck, below the voicebox and above the collarbones.

A thyroid nodule is a lump in or on the thyroid gland. Thyroid nodules are detected in about 6 percent of women and 1-2 percent of men they occur 10 times as often in older individuals, but are usually not diagnosed.

Any time a lump is discovered in thyroid tissue, the possibility of malignancy must be considered. More than 95 percent of thyroid nodules are benign , but tests are needed to determine if a nodule is cancerous.

Benign nodules include:

I Have A Thyroid Nodule: Do I Have Cancer

Thyroid nodules are extremely common over half of people over 60 have one, according to the American Thyroid Association. Most of them, however, are benign with only 2-12 percent becoming cancerous.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the lower front of the neck which produces hormones that control your metabolism. Lumps or bumps in this gland are called nodules. What causes them is not known, although iodine deficiency and inflammation of the thyroid can increase the risk of developing thyroid nodules.

Women are more likely than men to develop thyroid nodules, and are more frequently diagnosed with thyroid cancer according to the Canadian Cancer Society.

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Most Thyroid Nodules Are Benign But Some Thyroid Nodules Are Thyroid Cancer

A small percentage of thyroid nodules are malignant . You can not tell if a thyroid nodule is malignant due to symptoms or lack of symptoms. Those thyroid nodules that are cancer, tend to be very slow growing. The very rare thyroid nodule that is an aggressive thyroid cancer may present with a large thyroid mass, firm or non-mobile mass or even change in vocal quality. Only in these very rare circumstances, when the thyroid nodule is an aggressive thyroid cancer, is there an urgent need for prompt evaluation and thyroid cancer surgery by the most highly experienced thyroid cancer surgeon. Otherwise, thoughtful evaluation and consultation by an expert thyroid cancer surgeon is required for thyroid nodules. In other words, the vast majority of thyroid nodules can be worked up without a sense of urgency. Don’t make rash, quick decisions–thyroid nodules in almost all cases provide plenty of time to get figured out. So chill if you are here because you just found out you have a thyroid nodule. Read and understand what this means. And realize that in almost all cases, you have time to figure this out! We have created a Thyroid Nodule and Cancer Guide app to help, you can to better understand your thyroid nodule, determine what you “next steps” are, and examine your risk of thyroid cancer.

Watch a video at

Malignancy Risk Of Isolated Macrocalcifications According To Nodule Size

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The size of the isolated macrocalcifications ranged from 10 to 46 mm . Of the 30 isolated macrocalcifications with a final diagnosis, the size of the benign nodules ranged from 10.0 to 17.0 mm and that of the malignant nodules ranged from 11.0 to 20.0 mm . There was no significant difference in the mean size between the benign nodules and malignant tumors .

The size distribution of the isolated macrocalcifications was 71.1% in group 1, 21.1% in group 2, and 7.9% in group 3. The malignancy rate among all nodules was 11.1% in group 1, 37.5% in group 2, and 33.3% in group 3, and among the 30 nodules with a final diagnosis, the malignancy rate was 13.6% in group 1, 42.9% in group 2, and 100% in group 3 . In the 30 isolated macrocalcifications with a final diagnosis, the frequency of malignant tumors was higher in nodules 1.5 cm than in nodules < 1.5 cm , but the difference was not statistically significant . The tumor size was < 2 cm in six of the seven malignant tumors. The malignant tumors were equally distributed in group 1 and group 2 .

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Data And Statistical Analysis

Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the malignancy risk associated with US findings in thyroid nodules with and without echogenic foci. Using the 2 test, we determined the overall prevalence of benign and malignant nodules among those with 6 echogenic foci types and by various guidelines. Diagnostic performance was evaluated by echogenic foci types alone, and in combination with various TIRADS. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, negative predictive value , positive predictive value and accuracy. The PPV between two classifications was compared using 2 or Fishers exact test. All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS version 23.0 . Two-tailed p values < 0.05 were considered to be statistically significant.

What Percent Of Complex Thyroid Nodules Are Cancerous

Thyroid nodule: an abnormal growth of thyroid cells that forms a lump within the thyroid. While most thyroid nodules are non-cancerous , ~5% are cancerous.

What patterns of microcalcifications are cancerous?

Smaller breast calcifications, known as microcalcifications, may appear in patterns. If several calcifications look like a line or are clustered together as a small group, they are suggestive of cancer. These patients need additional testing.

What percentage of biopsied microcalcifications are cancerous?

Only 10-20 percent of breast cancers produce microcalcifications, and of the microcalcifications which are biopsied, only 10-20 percent are positive for cancer.Mammograms are good at finding microcalcifications, Dr.

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How Are Thyroid Nodules Diagnosed

Fine Needle Biopsy

A thyroid fine needle biopsy is a simple procedure that can be performed in the physician’s office. Some physicians numb the skin over the nodule prior to the biopsy, but it is not necessary to be put to sleep, and patients can usually return to work or home afterward with no ill effects.

This test provides information that no other test can offer short of surgery. A thyroid needle biopsy will provide sufficient information on which to base a treatment decision more than 85 percent of the time if an ultrasound is used.

Use of fine needle biopsy has drastically reduced the number of patients who have undergone unnecessary operations for benign nodules. However, about 10-20 percent of biopsy specimens are interpreted as inconclusive or inadequate, that is, the pathologist cannot be certain whether the nodule is cancerous or benign.

In such cases, a physician who is experienced with thyroid disease can use other criteria to make a decision about whether to operate.

Thyroid Scan

A thyroid scan is a picture of the thyroid gland taken after a small dose of a radioactive isotope normally concentrated by thyroid cells has been injected or swallowed. The scan tells whether the nodule is hyperfunctioning . Because cancer is rarely found in hot nodules, a scan showing a hot nodule eliminates the need for fine needle biopsy. If a hot nodule causes hyperthyroidism, it can be treated with radioiodine or surgery.


Ultrasound Imaging And Fna

What is a Thyroid Nodule and How Can It be Treated?

The criteria for considering a nodule as suspicious for malignancy was based on the following sonographic features: hypoechogenicity, calcification, irregular/lobulated margins, and/or a taller-than wide shape. Microcalcification was also defined as small punctate echogenic foci without acoustic shadowing or a comet tail. The FNA procedure was conducted by a senior radiologist with an experience of more than 15 years. The thyroid nodules underwent ultrasound-guided FNA using a Samsung H60 ultrasound machine and a 23-gauge needle connected to a 5-cc syringe with the freehand procedure. The aspiration was performed from the solid area of the sample nodule for solid-cystic nodules.

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How Are Thyroid Nodules Evaluated

At the UCLA Endocrine Center in Los Angeles, multiple layers of evaluation are designed to help you avoid invasive tests and surgery whenever possible. Consultation, ultrasound, and FNA can all be performed in a single visit.

Initial evaluation of a newly discovered thyroid nodule begins with:

  • Assessment by an endocrinologist or endocrine surgeon
  • Thyroid function tests
  • Neck ultrasound performed by your doctor

An ultrasound is a highly accurate tool to visualize your nodule. There is no associated radiation with ultrasounds and it is non-invasive. Ultrasounds are cost-effective as most patients really don’t need any other imaging because the ultrasounds are the best way to look at the thyroid, all present nodules, and the lymph nodes in the neck.

Not all thyroid nodules need a biopsy. Many thyroid nodules we see in our office, we choose not to biopsy because the ultrasound appearance is so reassuring. That is one way to avoid over treatment. For example, nodules that appear completely black on the inside are purely cystic, or filled with fluid. The chance of cancer for a cystic nodule is essentially zero and cystic nodules do not require biopsy. There are guidelines from the American Thyroid Association that will help your doctor determine which nodules to biopsy based on their size and how suspicious they look on the ultrasound.

What Causes Thyroid Nodules

Nodules can be caused by a simple overgrowth of normal thyroid tissue, fluid-filled cysts, inflammation or a tumor . Most nodules were surgically removed until the 1980s. In retrospect, this approach led to many unnecessary operations, since fewer than 10 percent of the removed nodules proved to be cancerous. Most removed nodules could have simply been observed or treated medically.

Chronic thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland that develops slowly. It frequently leads to a decreased function of the thyroid . Thyroiditis occurs when the body’s immune system destroys the cells in the thyroid gland. Chronic thyroiditis is most common in women and people with a family history of thyroid disease.

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Where Thyroid Cancer Starts

The thyroid gland is in the front part of the neck, below the thyroid cartilage . In most people, the thyroid cannot be seen or felt. It is shaped like a butterfly, with 2 lobes the right lobe and the left lobe joined by a narrow piece of gland called the isthmus.

The thyroid gland has 2 main types of cells:

  • Follicular cells use iodine from the blood to make thyroid hormones, which help regulate a persons metabolism. Having too much thyroid hormone can cause a fast or irregular heartbeat, trouble sleeping, nervousness, hunger, weight loss, and a feeling of being too warm. Having too little hormone causes a person to slow down, feel tired, and gain weight. The amount of thyroid hormone released by the thyroid is regulated by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain, which makes a substance called thyroid-stimulating hormone .
  • C cells make calcitonin, a hormone that helps control how the body uses calcium.

Other, less common cells in the thyroid gland include immune system cells and supportive cells.

Different cancers develop from each kind of cell. The differences are important because they affect how serious the cancer is and what type of treatment is needed.

Many types of growths and tumors can develop in the thyroid gland. Most of these are benign but others are malignant , which means they can spread into nearby tissues and to other parts of the body.

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